Contextualization - Add meaning to events

A key advantage of event-based systems is that communication between producers and consumers is anonymous and light-weight. This implies that producers of event notifications cannot tailor the content to the needs of consumers. Furthermore, producers do not even know if there actually is a consumer receiving their publications. Thus, they risk doing uncessary work if they try to compensate.

Our research tackles this problem by enhancing the middleware with additional functionality. One aspect is context mediation to allow for easy interoperability between producers and consumers. Other functionality deals with policy-driven addition of external information.


Vereinfachung der Ontologieerstellung durch Designmuster
Henriette Röger, Tobias Freudenreich
Technical Report, TU Darmstadt, October 2014
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Using Policies for Handling Complexity of Event-Driven Architectures
Tobias Freudenreich, Stefan Appel, Sebastian Frischbier, Alejandro P Buchmann
In Software Architecture, Springer, 2014
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ACTrESS - Automatic Context Transformation in Event-based Software Systems
Tobias Freudenreich, Stefan Appel, Sebastian Frischbier, Alejandro Buchmann
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, DEBS '12, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-1-4503-1315-5, ACM, New York, NY, USA, July 2012
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Sound Transformations for Message Passing Systems
Patrick Eugster, Tobias Freudenreich, Sebastian Frischbier, Stefan Appel, Alejandro Buchmann
Technical Report, TU Darmstadt, 2012
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